Wait for User Input
import net.sourceforge.plantuml.SourceStringReader;
import net.sourceforge.plantuml.FileFormatOption;
import net.sourceforge.plantuml.FileFormat;
static java.awt.Image plantUML2PNG( String code ) throws IOException {
var reader = new SourceStringReader(code);
try(var imageOutStream = new java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream()) {
var description = reader.outputImage( imageOutStream, 0, new FileFormatOption(FileFormat.PNG));
var imageInStream = new java.io.ByteArrayInputStream( imageOutStream.toByteArray() );
return javax.imageio.ImageIO.read( imageInStream );
import org.bsc.langgraph4j.*;
import org.bsc.langgraph4j.prebuilt.MessagesState;
import org.bsc.langgraph4j.state.Channel;
import org.bsc.langgraph4j.state.AppenderChannel;
import dev.langchain4j.data.message.AiMessage;
import dev.langchain4j.data.message.ChatMessage;
import org.bsc.langgraph4j.action.AsyncNodeAction;
import static org.bsc.langgraph4j.action.AsyncNodeAction.node_async;
import static org.bsc.langgraph4j.utils.CollectionsUtils.mapOf;
import org.bsc.langgraph4j.checkpoint.MemorySaver;
import org.bsc.langgraph4j.CompileConfig;
import static org.bsc.langgraph4j.StateGraph.END;
import static org.bsc.langgraph4j.StateGraph.START;
public class State extends MessagesState {
public State(Map<String, Object> initData) {
super( initData );
Optional<String> input() { return value("input"); }
Optional<String> userFeedback() { return value("user_feedback"); }
AsyncNodeAction<State> step1 = node_async(state -> {
System.out.println( "---Step 1---" );
return mapOf();
AsyncNodeAction<State> humanFeedback = node_async(state -> {
System.out.println( "---human_feedback---" );
return mapOf();
AsyncNodeAction<State> step3 = node_async(state -> {
System.out.println( "---Step 3---" );
return mapOf();
var builder = new StateGraph<>(State.SCHEMA, State::new);
builder.addNode("step_1", step1);
builder.addNode("human_feedback", humanFeedback);
builder.addNode("step_3", step3);
builder.addEdge(START, "step_1");
builder.addEdge("step_1", "human_feedback");
builder.addEdge("human_feedback", "step_3");
builder.addEdge("step_3", END);
// Set up memory
var saver = new MemorySaver();
// Add
var compileConfig = CompileConfig.builder().checkpointSaver(saver).interruptBefore("human_feedback").build();
var graph = builder.compile(compileConfig);
// View as PlantUML
var plantuml = graph.getGraph(GraphRepresentation.Type.PLANTUML).getContent();
display( plantuml );
display( plantUML2PNG(plantuml) );
SLF4J: No SLF4J providers were found.
SLF4J: Defaulting to no-operation (NOP) logger implementation
SLF4J: See https://www.slf4j.org/codes.html#noProviders for further details.
@startuml Graph_Diagram
skinparam usecaseFontSize 14
skinparam usecaseStereotypeFontSize 12
skinparam hexagonFontSize 14
skinparam hexagonStereotypeFontSize 12
title "Graph Diagram"
powered by langgraph4j
end footer
circle start<<input>> as __START__
circle stop as __END__
usecase "step_1"<<Node>>
usecase "human_feedback"<<Node>>
usecase "step_3"<<Node>>
"__START__" -down-> "step_1"
"step_1" -down-> "human_feedback"
"human_feedback" -down-> "step_3"
"step_3" -down-> "__END__"
// Input
var initialInput = mapOf("input", (Object) "hello world");
// Thread
var invokeConfig = RunnableConfig.builder().threadId("Thread1").build();
// Run the graph until the first interruption
for (var event : graph.stream(initialInput, invokeConfig)) {
---Step 1---
NodeOutput{node=__START__, state={input=hello world, messages=[]}}
NodeOutput{node=step_1, state={input=hello world, messages=[]}}
// Get user input
//String userInput = new Scanner(System.in).nextLine();
String userInput = "go to step 3!";
System.out.println("Tell me how you want to update the state: " + userInput);
// We now update the state as if we are the human_feedback node
//var updateConfig = graph.updateState(invokeConfig, mapOf("user_feedback", userInput), "human_feedback");
var updateConfig = graph.updateState(invokeConfig, mapOf("user_feedback", userInput), null);
// We can check the state
System.out.println("--State after update--");
// We can check the next node, showing that it is node 3 (which follows human_feedback)
System.out.println("getNext with invokeConfig: " + graph.getState(invokeConfig).getNext());
System.out.println("getNext with updateConfig: " + graph.getState(updateConfig).getNext());
Tell me how you want to update the state: go to step 3!
--State after update--
StateSnapshot{node=step_1, state={user_feedback=go to step 3!, input=hello world, messages=[]}, config=RunnableConfig(threadId=Thread1, checkPointId=5a31577e-2b4a-4db8-a969-9a58dae4a080, nextNode=human_feedback, streamMode=VALUES)}
getNext with invokeConfig: human_feedback
getNext with updateConfig: human_feedback
// Continue the graph execution
for (var event : graph.stream(null, updateConfig)) {
---Step 3---
NodeOutput{node=human_feedback, state={user_feedback=go to step 3!, input=hello world, messages=[]}}
NodeOutput{node=step_3, state={user_feedback=go to step 3!, input=hello world, messages=[]}}
NodeOutput{node=__END__, state={user_feedback=go to step 3!, input=hello world, messages=[]}}
{user_feedback=go to step 3!, input=hello world, messages=[]}