How to view and update past graph state
Once you start checkpointing your graphs, you can easily get or update the state of the agent at any point in time. This permits a few things:
- You can surface a state during an interrupt to a user to let them accept an action.
- You can rewind the graph to reproduce or avoid issues.
- You can modify the state to embed your agent into a larger system, or to let the user better control its actions.
The key methods used for this functionality are:
- getState: fetch the values from the target config
- updateState: apply the given values to the target state
Note: this requires passing in a checkpointer.
This works for StateGraph
Below is an example.
Initialize logger
try( var file = new"./")) {
var lm = java.util.logging.LogManager.getLogManager();
lm.readConfiguration( file );
var log = org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger("time-travel");
Define the state
State is an (immutable) data class, inheriting from prebuilt MessagesState, shared with all nodes in our graph. A state is basically a wrapper of a Map<String,Object>
that provides some enhancers:
- Schema (optional), that is a
where eachChannel
describe behaviour of the related property value()
accessors that inspect Map an return an Optional of value contained and cast to the required type
import org.bsc.langgraph4j.prebuilt.MessagesState;
import org.bsc.langgraph4j.state.Channel;
import org.bsc.langgraph4j.state.AppenderChannel;
public class State extends MessagesState<ChatMessage> {
public State(Map<String, Object> initData) {
super( initData );
Register Serializers
Every object that should be stored into State MUST BE SERIALIZABLE. If the object is not Serializable
by default, Langgraph4j provides a way to build and associate a custom Serializer to it.
In the example, we use [Serializer
] for ToolExecutionRequest and ChatMesssager provided by langgraph4j integration module with langchain4j .
import dev.langchain4j.agent.tool.ToolExecutionRequest;
import org.bsc.langgraph4j.serializer.std.ObjectStreamStateSerializer;
import org.bsc.langgraph4j.langchain4j.serializer.std.ChatMesssageSerializer;
import org.bsc.langgraph4j.langchain4j.serializer.std.ToolExecutionRequestSerializer;
import org.bsc.langgraph4j.langchain4j.serializer.std.UserMessageSerializer;
var stateSerializer = new ObjectStreamStateSerializer<>( State::new );
// Setup custom serializer for Langchain4j ToolExecutionRequest
.register(ToolExecutionRequest.class, new ToolExecutionRequestSerializer() )
// Setup custom serializer for Langchain4j AiMessage
.register(ChatMessage.class, new ChatMesssageSerializer() )
Set up the tools
Using langchain4j, We will first define the tools we want to use. For this simple example, we will use create a placeholder search engine. However, it is really easy to create your own tools - see documentation here on how to do that.
import dev.langchain4j.agent.tool.P;
import dev.langchain4j.agent.tool.Tool;
import java.util.Optional;
import static java.lang.String.format;
public class SearchTool {
@Tool("Use to surf the web, fetch current information, check the weather, and retrieve other information.")
String execQuery(@P("The query to use in your search.") String query) {
// This is a placeholder for the actual implementation
return "Cold, with a low of 13 degrees";
Set up the model
Now we will load the chat model.
- It should work with messages. We will represent all agent state in the form of messages, so it needs to be able to work well with them.
- It should work with tool calling,meaning it can return function arguments in its response.
These model requirements are not general requirements for using LangGraph4j - they are just requirements for this one example.
import dev.langchain4j.model.openai.OpenAiChatModel;
import dev.langchain4j.agent.tool.ToolSpecification;
import dev.langchain4j.agent.tool.ToolSpecifications;
OpenAiChatModel llm = OpenAiChatModel.builder()
.apiKey( System.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY") )
.modelName( "gpt-4o" )
Test function calling
import dev.langchain4j.agent.tool.ToolSpecification;
import dev.langchain4j.agent.tool.ToolSpecifications;
import dev.langchain4j.model.output.Response;
import dev.langchain4j.model.openai.OpenAiChatModel;
import dev.langchain4j.service.tool.DefaultToolExecutor;
import org.bsc.langgraph4j.langchain4j.tool.ToolNode;
var toolNode = ToolNode.of( new SearchTool() );
var tools = toolNode.toolSpecifications();
UserMessage userMessage = UserMessage.from("What will the weather be like in London tomorrow?");
Response<AiMessage> response = llm.generate(Collections.singletonList(userMessage), tools );
AiMessage aiMessage = response.content();
var result = toolNode.execute( aiMessage.toolExecutionRequests() );
execute: execQuery
Optional[ToolExecutionResultMessage { id = "call_oACludSCqq2j913YIH10oyWw" toolName = "execQuery" text = "Cold, with a low of 13 degrees" }]
Define the graph
We can now put it all together. We will run it first without a checkpointer:
import static org.bsc.langgraph4j.StateGraph.START;
import static org.bsc.langgraph4j.StateGraph.END;
import static org.bsc.langgraph4j.action.AsyncEdgeAction.edge_async;
import static org.bsc.langgraph4j.action.AsyncNodeAction.node_async;
import org.bsc.langgraph4j.StateGraph;
import org.bsc.langgraph4j.action.EdgeAction;
import org.bsc.langgraph4j.action.NodeAction;
import dev.langchain4j.service.tool.DefaultToolExecutor;
import org.bsc.langgraph4j.checkpoint.MemorySaver;
import org.bsc.langgraph4j.CompileConfig;
// Route Message
EdgeAction<State> routeMessage = state -> {
var lastMessage = state.lastMessage();
if ( !lastMessage.isPresent()) return "exit";
if( lastMessage.get() instanceof AiMessage message ) {
// If tools should be called
if ( message.hasToolExecutionRequests() ) return "next";
// If no tools are called, we can finish (respond to the user)
return "exit";
// Call Model
NodeAction<State> callModel = state -> {
var tools = ToolSpecifications.toolSpecificationsFrom( SearchTool.class );
var response = llm.generate( (List<ChatMessage>)state.messages(), tools );
return Map.of( "messages", response.content() );
// Invoke Tool
NodeAction<State> invokeTool = state -> {
var lastMessage = (AiMessage)state.lastMessage()
.orElseThrow( () -> ( new IllegalStateException( "last message not found!")) );
var toolNode = ToolNode.of( new SearchTool() );
var result = toolNode.execute( lastMessage.toolExecutionRequests() )
.orElseThrow( () -> ( new IllegalStateException( "tool execution failed!")));
return Map.of( "messages", result );
// Define Graph
var workflow = new StateGraph<State>(State.SCHEMA, stateSerializer)
.addNode("agent", node_async(callModel) )
.addNode("tools", node_async(invokeTool) )
.addEdge(START, "agent")
.addConditionalEdges("agent", edge_async(routeMessage), Map.of( "next", "tools", "exit", END ))
.addEdge("tools", "agent");
// Here we only save in-memory
var memory = new MemorySaver();
var compileConfig = CompileConfig.builder()
var graph = workflow.compile(compileConfig);
Interacting with the Agent
We can now interact with the agent. Between interactions you can get and update state.
import org.bsc.langgraph4j.RunnableConfig;
var runnableConfig = RunnableConfig.builder()
.threadId("conversation-num-1" )
Map<String,Object> inputs = Map.of( "messages", UserMessage.from("Hi I'm Bartolo.") );
var result = inputs, runnableConfig );
for( var r : result ) {
System.out.println( r.node() );
System.out.println( r.state() );
{messages=[UserMessage { name = null contents = [TextContent { text = "Hi I'm Bartolo." }] }]}
{messages=[UserMessage { name = null contents = [TextContent { text = "Hi I'm Bartolo." }] }, AiMessage { text = "Hello Bartolo! How can I assist you today?" toolExecutionRequests = null }]}
{messages=[UserMessage { name = null contents = [TextContent { text = "Hi I'm Bartolo." }] }, AiMessage { text = "Hello Bartolo! How can I assist you today?" toolExecutionRequests = null }]}
Here you can see the “agent
” node ran, and then our edge returned __END__
so the graph stopped execution there.
Let's check the current graph state.
import org.bsc.langgraph4j.checkpoint.Checkpoint;
var checkpoint = graph.getState(runnableConfig);
StateSnapshot{node=agent, state={messages=[UserMessage { name = null contents = [TextContent { text = "Hi I'm Bartolo." }] }, AiMessage { text = "Hello Bartolo! How can I assist you today?" toolExecutionRequests = null }]}, config=RunnableConfig(threadId=conversation-num-1, checkPointId=7a3cdb3a-9034-43ad-91b1-91cba2aa5f5b, nextNode=__END__, streamMode=VALUES)}
The current state is the two messages we've seen above, 1. the Human Message we sent in, 2. the AIMessage we got back from the model.
The next value is __END__
since the graph has terminated.
Let's get it to execute a tool
When we call the graph again, it will create a checkpoint after each internal execution step. Let's get it to run a tool, then look at the checkpoint.
Map<String,Object> inputs = Map.of( "messages", UserMessage.from("What's the weather like in SF currently?") );
var state = graph.invoke( inputs, runnableConfig ).orElseThrow( () ->(new IllegalStateException()) ) ;
System.out.println( state.lastMessage().orElse(null) );
execute: execQuery
AiMessage { text = "The current weather in San Francisco is cold, with a low of 13 degrees Celsius. If you need more details or have any other questions, feel free to ask!" toolExecutionRequests = null }
Pause before tools
If you notice below, we now will add interruptBefore=[“action”] - this means that before any actions are taken we pause. This is a great moment to allow the user to correct and update the state! This is very useful when you want to have a human-in-the-loop to validate (and potentially change) the action to take.
var memory = new MemorySaver();
var compileConfig = CompileConfig.builder()
.interruptBefore( "tools")
var graphWithInterrupt = workflow.compile(compileConfig);
var runnableConfig = RunnableConfig.builder()
.threadId("conversation-2" )
Map<String,Object> inputs = Map.of( "messages", UserMessage.from("What's the weather like in SF currently?") );
var result = inputs, runnableConfig );
for( var r : result ) {
System.out.println( r.node() );
System.out.println( r.state() );
{messages=[UserMessage { name = null contents = [TextContent { text = "What's the weather like in SF currently?" }] }]}
{messages=[UserMessage { name = null contents = [TextContent { text = "What's the weather like in SF currently?" }] }, AiMessage { text = null toolExecutionRequests = [ToolExecutionRequest { id = "call_lSBkyKvwHGDapq39Ne9bQDGR", name = "execQuery", arguments = "{"query":"current weather in San Francisco"}" }] }]}
Get State
You can fetch the latest graph checkpoint using getState(config)
var snapshot = graphWithInterrupt.getState(runnableConfig);
You can resume by running the graph with a null input. The checkpoint is loaded, and with no new inputs, it will execute as if no interrupt had occurred.
var result = null, snapshot.getConfig() );
for( var r : result ) {
log.trace( "RESULT:\n{}\n{}", r.node(), r.state() );
execute: execQuery
{messages=[UserMessage { name = null contents = [TextContent { text = "What's the weather like in SF currently?" }] }, AiMessage { text = null toolExecutionRequests = [ToolExecutionRequest { id = "call_lSBkyKvwHGDapq39Ne9bQDGR", name = "execQuery", arguments = "{"query":"current weather in San Francisco"}" }] }, ToolExecutionResultMessage { id = "call_lSBkyKvwHGDapq39Ne9bQDGR" toolName = "execQuery" text = "Cold, with a low of 13 degrees" }]}
{messages=[UserMessage { name = null contents = [TextContent { text = "What's the weather like in SF currently?" }] }, AiMessage { text = null toolExecutionRequests = [ToolExecutionRequest { id = "call_lSBkyKvwHGDapq39Ne9bQDGR", name = "execQuery", arguments = "{"query":"current weather in San Francisco"}" }] }, ToolExecutionResultMessage { id = "call_lSBkyKvwHGDapq39Ne9bQDGR" toolName = "execQuery" text = "Cold, with a low of 13 degrees" }, AiMessage { text = "The current weather in San Francisco is cold, with a low of 13 degrees Celsius." toolExecutionRequests = null }]}
{messages=[UserMessage { name = null contents = [TextContent { text = "What's the weather like in SF currently?" }] }, AiMessage { text = null toolExecutionRequests = [ToolExecutionRequest { id = "call_lSBkyKvwHGDapq39Ne9bQDGR", name = "execQuery", arguments = "{"query":"current weather in San Francisco"}" }] }, ToolExecutionResultMessage { id = "call_lSBkyKvwHGDapq39Ne9bQDGR" toolName = "execQuery" text = "Cold, with a low of 13 degrees" }, AiMessage { text = "The current weather in San Francisco is cold, with a low of 13 degrees Celsius." toolExecutionRequests = null }]}
Check full history
Let's browse the history of this thread, from newest to oldest.
RunnableConfig toReplay = null;
var states = graphWithInterrupt.getStateHistory(runnableConfig);
for( var state: states ) {
log.trace( "\n---\n{}\n---",state);
if (state.getState().messages().size() == 3) {
toReplay = state.getConfig();
if (toReplay==null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("No state to replay");
StateSnapshot{node=agent, state={messages=[UserMessage { name = null contents = [TextContent { text = "What's the weather like in SF currently?" }] }, AiMessage { text = null toolExecutionRequests = [ToolExecutionRequest { id = "call_lSBkyKvwHGDapq39Ne9bQDGR", name = "execQuery", arguments = "{"query":"current weather in San Francisco"}" }] }, ToolExecutionResultMessage { id = "call_lSBkyKvwHGDapq39Ne9bQDGR" toolName = "execQuery" text = "Cold, with a low of 13 degrees" }, AiMessage { text = "The current weather in San Francisco is cold, with a low of 13 degrees Celsius." toolExecutionRequests = null }]}, config=RunnableConfig(threadId=conversation-2, checkPointId=b820cc93-8308-4560-bed7-13984c94eb6e, nextNode=__END__, streamMode=VALUES)}
StateSnapshot{node=tools, state={messages=[UserMessage { name = null contents = [TextContent { text = "What's the weather like in SF currently?" }] }, AiMessage { text = null toolExecutionRequests = [ToolExecutionRequest { id = "call_lSBkyKvwHGDapq39Ne9bQDGR", name = "execQuery", arguments = "{"query":"current weather in San Francisco"}" }] }, ToolExecutionResultMessage { id = "call_lSBkyKvwHGDapq39Ne9bQDGR" toolName = "execQuery" text = "Cold, with a low of 13 degrees" }]}, config=RunnableConfig(threadId=conversation-2, checkPointId=7d479fc2-c430-4354-87a8-67ac11cbd04d, nextNode=agent, streamMode=VALUES)}
StateSnapshot{node=agent, state={messages=[UserMessage { name = null contents = [TextContent { text = "What's the weather like in SF currently?" }] }, AiMessage { text = null toolExecutionRequests = [ToolExecutionRequest { id = "call_lSBkyKvwHGDapq39Ne9bQDGR", name = "execQuery", arguments = "{"query":"current weather in San Francisco"}" }] }, ToolExecutionResultMessage { id = "call_lSBkyKvwHGDapq39Ne9bQDGR" toolName = "execQuery" text = "Cold, with a low of 13 degrees" }, AiMessage { text = "The current weather in San Francisco is cold, with a low of 13 degrees Celsius." toolExecutionRequests = null }]}, config=RunnableConfig(threadId=conversation-2, checkPointId=0a3fd118-b91e-483c-a3ec-0c5793c1f768, nextNode=tools, streamMode=VALUES)}
StateSnapshot{node=__START__, state={messages=[UserMessage { name = null contents = [TextContent { text = "What's the weather like in SF currently?" }] }]}, config=RunnableConfig(threadId=conversation-2, checkPointId=665da615-568c-42e7-ba70-03b38c3bbbc4, nextNode=agent, streamMode=VALUES)}
Replay a past state
To replay from this place we just need to pass its config back to the agent.
var results =, toReplay );
for( var r : results ) {
log.trace( "RESULT:\n{}\n{}\n---", r.node(), r.state() );
{messages=[UserMessage { name = null contents = [TextContent { text = "What's the weather like in SF currently?" }] }, AiMessage { text = null toolExecutionRequests = [ToolExecutionRequest { id = "call_lSBkyKvwHGDapq39Ne9bQDGR", name = "execQuery", arguments = "{"query":"current weather in San Francisco"}" }] }, ToolExecutionResultMessage { id = "call_lSBkyKvwHGDapq39Ne9bQDGR" toolName = "execQuery" text = "Cold, with a low of 13 degrees" }, AiMessage { text = "The current weather in San Francisco is cold, with a low of 13 degrees Celsius." toolExecutionRequests = null }]}
{messages=[UserMessage { name = null contents = [TextContent { text = "What's the weather like in SF currently?" }] }, AiMessage { text = null toolExecutionRequests = [ToolExecutionRequest { id = "call_lSBkyKvwHGDapq39Ne9bQDGR", name = "execQuery", arguments = "{"query":"current weather in San Francisco"}" }] }, ToolExecutionResultMessage { id = "call_lSBkyKvwHGDapq39Ne9bQDGR" toolName = "execQuery" text = "Cold, with a low of 13 degrees" }, AiMessage { text = "The current weather in San Francisco is cold, with a low of 13 degrees Celsius." toolExecutionRequests = null }]}