How to add persistence (“memory”) to your graph
Many AI applications need memory to share context across multiple interactions. In LangGraph4j, memory is provided for any StateGraph
through Checkpointers
When creating any LangGraph workflow, you can set them up to persist their state by doing using the following:
- A
, such as theMemorySaver
- Pass your
in configuration when compiling the graph.
Initialize Logger
var lm = java.util.logging.LogManager.getLogManager();
try( var file = new"./")) {
lm.readConfiguration( file );
Define the state
State is an (immutable) data class, inheriting from prebuilt MessagesState, shared with all nodes in our graph. A state is basically a wrapper of a Map<String,Object>
that provides some enhancers:
- Schema (optional), that is a
where eachChannel
describe behaviour of the related property value()
accessors that inspect Map an return an Optional of value contained and cast to the required type
import org.bsc.langgraph4j.prebuilt.MessagesState;
import org.bsc.langgraph4j.state.Channel;
import org.bsc.langgraph4j.state.AppenderChannel;
public class MessageState extends MessagesState<ChatMessage> {
public MessageState(Map<String, Object> initData) {
super( initData );
Register Serializers
Every object that should be stored into State MUST BE SERIALIZABLE. If the object is not Serializable
by default, Langgraph4j provides a way to build and associate a custom Serializer to it.
In the example, we use [Serializer
] for ToolExecutionRequest and ChatMesssager provided by langgraph4j integration module with langchain4j .
import dev.langchain4j.agent.tool.ToolExecutionRequest;
import org.bsc.langgraph4j.serializer.std.ObjectStreamStateSerializer;
import org.bsc.langgraph4j.langchain4j.serializer.std.ChatMesssageSerializer;
import org.bsc.langgraph4j.langchain4j.serializer.std.ToolExecutionRequestSerializer;
import org.bsc.langgraph4j.state.AgentStateFactory;
var stateSerializer = new ObjectStreamStateSerializer<MessageState>( MessageState::new );
// Setup custom serializer for Langchain4j ToolExecutionRequest
.register(ToolExecutionRequest.class, new ToolExecutionRequestSerializer() )
// Setup custom serializer for Langchain4j AiMessage
.register(ChatMessage.class, new ChatMesssageSerializer() )
SLF4J: No SLF4J providers were found.
SLF4J: Defaulting to no-operation (NOP) logger implementation
SLF4J: See for further details.
Set up the tools
Using langchain4j, We will first define the tools we want to use. For this simple example, we will use create a placeholder search engine. However, it is really easy to create your own tools - see documentation here on how to do that.
import dev.langchain4j.agent.tool.P;
import dev.langchain4j.agent.tool.Tool;
import java.util.Optional;
import static java.lang.String.format;
public class SearchTool {
@Tool("Use to surf the web, fetch current information, check the weather, and retrieve other information.")
String execQuery(@P("The query to use in your search.") String query) {
// This is a placeholder for the actual implementation
return "Cold, with a low of 13 degrees";
Set up the model
Now we will load the chat model.
- It should work with messages. We will represent all agent state in the form of messages, so it needs to be able to work well with them.
- It should work with tool calling,meaning it can return function arguments in its response.
These model requirements are not general requirements for using LangGraph4j - they are just requirements for this one example.
import dev.langchain4j.model.openai.OpenAiChatModel;
import dev.langchain4j.agent.tool.ToolSpecification;
import dev.langchain4j.agent.tool.ToolSpecifications;
public record LLM( OpenAiChatModel model ) {
public LLM() {
.apiKey( System.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY") )
.modelName( "gpt-4o" )
Test function calling
import dev.langchain4j.agent.tool.ToolSpecification;
import dev.langchain4j.agent.tool.ToolSpecifications;
import dev.langchain4j.model.output.Response;
import dev.langchain4j.model.openai.OpenAiChatModel;
var llm = new LLM();
var tools = ToolSpecifications.toolSpecificationsFrom( SearchTool.class );
UserMessage userMessage = UserMessage.from("What will the weather be like in London tomorrow?");
Response<AiMessage> response = llm.model().generate(Collections.singletonList(userMessage), tools );
AiMessage aiMessage = response.content();
System.out.println( aiMessage );
AiMessage { text = null toolExecutionRequests = [ToolExecutionRequest { id = "call_cY6AkdeFMBtWc0A9jCrZBfnw", name = "execQuery", arguments = "{"query":"London weather forecast for tomorrow"}" }] }
Define the graph
We can now put it all together. We will run it first without a checkpointer:
import static org.bsc.langgraph4j.StateGraph.START;
import static org.bsc.langgraph4j.StateGraph.END;
import org.bsc.langgraph4j.StateGraph;
import org.bsc.langgraph4j.action.EdgeAction;
import static org.bsc.langgraph4j.action.AsyncEdgeAction.edge_async;
import org.bsc.langgraph4j.action.NodeAction;
import static org.bsc.langgraph4j.action.AsyncNodeAction.node_async;
import dev.langchain4j.service.tool.DefaultToolExecutor;
// Route Message
EdgeAction<MessageState> routeMessage = state -> {
var lastMessage = state.lastMessage();
if ( !lastMessage.isPresent()) return "exit";
var message = (AiMessage)lastMessage.get();
// If tools should be called
if ( message.hasToolExecutionRequests() ) return "next";
// If no tools are called, we can finish (respond to the user)
return "exit";
var llm = new LLM();
// Call Model
NodeAction<MessageState> callModel = state -> {
var response = llm.model().generate( (List<ChatMessage>)state.messages() );
return Map.of( "messages", response.content() );
var searchTool = new SearchTool();
// Invoke Tool
NodeAction<MessageState> invokeTool = state -> {
var lastMessage = (AiMessage)state.lastMessage()
.orElseThrow( () -> ( new IllegalStateException( "last message not found!")) );
var executionRequest = lastMessage.toolExecutionRequests().get(0);
var executor = new DefaultToolExecutor( searchTool, executionRequest );
var result = executor.execute( executionRequest, null );
return Map.of( "messages", AiMessage.from( result ) );
// Define Graph
var workflow = new StateGraph<MessageState> ( MessageState.SCHEMA, stateSerializer )
.addNode("agent", node_async(callModel) )
.addNode("tools", node_async(invokeTool) )
.addEdge(START, "agent")
.addConditionalEdges("agent", edge_async(routeMessage), Map.of( "next", "tools", "exit", END ))
.addEdge("tools", "agent");
var graph = workflow.compile();
Map<String,Object> inputs = Map.of( "messages", AiMessage.from("Hi I'm Bartolo, niced to meet you.") );
var result = inputs );
for( var r : result ) {
System.out.println( r.node() );
if( r.node().equals("agent")) {
System.out.println( r.state() );
{messages=[AiMessage { text = "Hi I'm Bartolo, niced to meet you." toolExecutionRequests = null }, AiMessage { text = "Hello Bartolo! Nice to meet you too. How can I assist you today?" toolExecutionRequests = null }]}
Map<String,Object> inputs = Map.of( "messages", AiMessage.from("Remember my name?") );
var result = inputs );
for( var r : result ) {
System.out.println( r.node() );
if( r.node().equals("agent")) {
System.out.println( r.state() );
{messages=[AiMessage { text = "Remember my name?" toolExecutionRequests = null }, AiMessage { text = "I don't have the ability to remember personal information or previous interactions. Each session is independent, and I don't have access to past conversations. How can I assist you today?" toolExecutionRequests = null }]}
Add Memory
Let's try it again with a checkpointer. We will use the
which will “save” checkpoints in-memory.
import org.bsc.langgraph4j.checkpoint.MemorySaver;
import org.bsc.langgraph4j.CompileConfig;
// Here we only save in-memory
var memory = new MemorySaver();
var compileConfig = CompileConfig.builder()
var persistentGraph = workflow.compile( compileConfig );
import org.bsc.langgraph4j.RunnableConfig;
var runnableConfig = RunnableConfig.builder()
.threadId("conversation-num-1" )
Map<String,Object> inputs = Map.of( "messages", AiMessage.from("Hi I'm Bartolo, niced to meet you.") );
var result = inputs, runnableConfig );
for( var r : result ) {
System.out.println( r.node() );
if( r.node().equals("agent")) {
System.out.println( r.state().lastMessage().orElse(null) );
AiMessage { text = "Hello Bartolo! Nice to meet you too. How can I assist you today?" toolExecutionRequests = null }
Map<String,Object> inputs = Map.of( "messages", AiMessage.from("Remember my name?") );
var result = inputs, runnableConfig );
for( var r : result ) {
System.out.println( r.node() );
if( r.node().equals("agent")) {
System.out.println( r.state().lastMessage().orElse(null) );
AiMessage { text = "Yes, your name is Bartolo. How can I assist you today?" toolExecutionRequests = null }
New Conversational Thread
If we want to start a new conversation, we can pass in a different
. Poof! All the memories are gone (just kidding, they'll always
live in that other thread)!
runnableConfig = RunnableConfig.builder()
.threadId("conversation-2" )
inputs = Map.of( "messages", AiMessage.from("you know my name?") );
var result = inputs, runnableConfig );
for( var r : result ) {
System.out.println( r.node() );
if( r.node().equals("agent")) {
System.out.println( r.state().lastMessage().orElse(null) );
AiMessage { text = "No, I don't know your name. I don't have access to personal data about individuals unless it has been shared with me in the course of our conversation. If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to ask!" toolExecutionRequests = null }