
From release 6.7 we have the possibility to pre-process the site descriptor file before execute it to coordinate its deployment. Such processor (or template engine) can be plugged into processing using a module (i.e. java library) containing processor implementation that is published using Java Service Provide Interface (SPI) specification.

Site processor usage

Configure a site processor

To plug a markdown processor you have to declare library as plugin’s dependency.

Currently a processor based on Freemarker template engine is already available trought the module maven-confluence-processor-freemarker

Example below declare freemarker as site processor

        <!-- Plug the freemarker processor -->


Use the markup language in site definition

After declared a site processor in plugin’s configuration we can start to use the related markup language in site’s definition

Example below use freemarker markup language in site definition

  name: "issue202"
<#if Files.exists(Paths.get(project.basedir, 'src/site/confluence/issue202/images/dashboard.png')) == true>
    - name: "dashboard.png"
      uri: images/dashboard.png
      contentType: "image/png"
      version: 1
      comment: image
<#if Files.exists(Paths.get(project.basedir, 'src/site/confluence/issue202/images/unknown.png')) == true>
    - name: "unknown.png"
      uri: images/dashboard.png
      contentType: "image/png"
      version: 1
      comment: unknown image

Implement a new ‘site processor’ service

To implement a new site processor service we have to follow steps below:

1. Create a new Project

Create a simple java library project maven compliant

2. Add dependency to maven-confluence-core module


3. Implement the interface org.bsc.preprocessor.SiteProcessorService

public interface SiteProcessorService {
     * name of Preprocessor service
    String getName();
     * Handles preprocessing of the input using a markup library
     * Variables are added to the markup model
    CompletableFuture<String> process(String input, Map<String, Object> variables);

4. Publish implementation following SPI specification

The SPI specification publish a service creating a mapping file a mapping file in a specially named directory META-INF/services. The name of the file is the name of the SPI class being subclassed, and the file contains the names of the new subclasses of that SPI abstract class (see documentation for more details).

META-INF/services generator

However there is a great library that extremely simplify publishing of SPI service named META-INF/services generator that use behind the scene a java annotation processor that automatically generates the required mapping file using a java annotation @MetaInfServices as shown below

public class PreprocessorImpl implements SiteProcessorService {
