Class TranslateSequenceDiagramToPlantUML

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class TranslateSequenceDiagramToPlantUML extends Object implements NodeAction<ImageToDiagram.State>
The `TranslateSequenceDiagramToPlantUML` class implements the NodeAction<ImageToDiagram.State> interface. It is responsible for translating a sequence diagram into PlantUML code using an OpenAI chat model.
  • Constructor Details

    • TranslateSequenceDiagramToPlantUML

      public TranslateSequenceDiagramToPlantUML(dev.langchain4j.model.openai.OpenAiChatModel model)
      Constructor for `TranslateSequenceDiagramToPlantUML`.
      model - the OpenAiChatModel to use for translation
  • Method Details

    • apply

      public Map<String,Object> apply(ImageToDiagram.State state) throws Exception
      Converts a sequence diagram from an image to PlantUML code. This method processes the given state containing an image, generates a system prompt, and uses a language model to produce PlantUML code representing the diagram. If no diagram is provided in the state, it throws an IllegalArgumentException.
      Specified by:
      apply in interface NodeAction<ImageToDiagram.State>
      state - The input state containing an image for conversion.
      A map with a key "diagramCode" containing the generated PlantUML code.
      Exception - if there is an error during the conversion process.